Voice Lessons


Youth Voice Lessons

Youth begin by learning the basics of singing to produce a full and healthy sound in addition to ear training. Our goal is to get each student to their personal best while having a fun time, growing confidence, and enjoying good music! 

Classical techniques are adapted and implemented to various styles in order to fit each student’s desired genre of singing. We focus not just on sounding beautiful but also on functionality of sound and maintaining vocal health, customizing lessons to the individual and their vocal needs. Age is a crucial factor when developing the voice, and singing is an ongoing process dependent on the physical development of each student. Please contact us for scheduling.

Ages 12+


Adult Voice Lessons

Whether you’re looking to sharpen up those solo skills or be the best back up singer, private voice lessons are the perfect way to take your vocal ability to the next level. Our goal is to help you take your vocal instrument to its highest potential and cultivate your ability to sing with beauty and confidence. 

Each student receives personalized instruction from a voice professional trained in vocal pedagogy, ensuring that your training will not only improve your sound but also protect and maintain your vocal health.
Think of your voice teacher like a personal trainer for your voice, only the muscles are much smaller and we have a lot more fun! Please contact us for scheduling.

Ages 18+


Tuition and Scheduling
Tuition for Youth and Adult Voice Lessons is $130 per month for a recurring 30-minute weekly spot.
For more information on tuition and policies, please view the Studio Policy.
For scheduling and pre-registration, please click on the “scheduling form” button to the right.


Voice Instructors

Rachel Pickering— Youth and Adult Voice Lessons