Your Child Can Make Music with Water! Here's How


If you wanted to learn how to make music with water, you’ve come to the right place. This experiment is a simple but fun way to explore the science of sound with your child! All you need for this fun activity is a few glasses, a spoon and water. We told you it was simple! Let’s get started. 

How to Make Music with Water

Before you get started, make sure your glasses are all roughly the same size––it makes everything work smoother. Now, fill the glasses with different amounts of water. If you want to make specific notes or pitches, measure your water so that it is as accurate as possible. 

Lastly, give your child a metal spoon (or plastic depending on how much you trust them.) 

The Science of Making Music with Water

Tapping the spoon on the glass creates a vibration that sends a sound wave through the water in the glass. The glass with the most amount of water makes the lowest sound because the sound waves travel the slowest. 

On the other hand, the glass that contains the least amount of water makes the highest sound because the sound waves travel the fastest. 

What Happens When You Make Music with Water

If you go through the experiment a few times, you’ll probably start to notice your child making a connection with the different water sounds. They’ll probably recognize that the glass with lots of water made a big sound, and the glass with a little water made a little sound. 

To take it a step further, if you measure your water accurately, you can play actual songs! Just remember—this is a game of exploration, so you don’t have to expect much out of your child as far as playing music is concerned. 

For more fun musical activities to do with your child, visit our website!